Sunday, May 13, 2007


The launch of Checkerspot magazine puts climate change in the hands of Canadians. This newest publication from the Canadian Wildlife Federation is Canada's first magazine devoted entirely to climate change.

Checkerspot will empower readers to take action in their own lives by exploring lifestyle choices, including emerging ideas on food, shelter and transit options, as well as by reviewing consumer products that can contribute to a climate-friendly way of life.

Through first-rate writing, photography and illustration, Checkerspot will engage and inform readers about developments in science, and current ideas and innovations that could be part of the solution. By exploring a new way of thinking, a new way of living and a new way forward, Checkerspot magazine will provoke discussion about how to live responsibly in a climate-changing world.

Checkerspot, named after a butterfly whose ranges are shifting as a result of global warming, aims to lift the issue of climate change from abstraction and place it where it needs to be - in the minds and on the lips of Canadians.

Checkerspot magazine is a free, biannual publication available through CWF. Website:

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